Archive for the 'Activities' Category

Gotong- Royong 2 2016

September 21st, 2016

The second gotong royong was held on 27 June 2016 (Saturday),  from 8.30am to 11.30am.
All members were required to participate. The objective of this gotong royong is to enhance the relationship between the members and ensure the computer labs are clean.
It was a typical gotong royong. After cleaning, all of the members gathered at lab E. The head of disciplinary briefed with the members about rules of UPDK. After that, the head of website briefed the members about the latest method of keying in achievement of students.
The whole gotong royong ended as we plan at 11 o’ clock.

We appreciated the presence and coorperation of all the teachers and members.

A member was sweeping off the dust which was on the ceiling.

A member was sweeping off the dust which was on the ceiling.

Our members were wiping the curtains.

Our members were wiping the curtains.

Our members were cleaning the keyboard.

Our members were cleaning the keyboard.

Our members were taking down the computers to clean.

Our members were taking down the computers to clean.

A senior was telling the members the things that need to do.

A senior was telling the members the things that need to do.

Day Camp 2016

June 16th, 2016

UPDK Day Camp was held on 28 May 2016 (Saturday) from 8.30a.m. to 1.30p.m.
The objective of this activity is to give our members a chance to work together and learn more about each other. The members were separated into groups and played station games together. When the games ended, the prize-giving ceremony was held. The teams that get the highest marks won some wonderful prizes that were prepared beforehand.They ate lunch and went home after we cleaned the canteen together. All the members were tired yet happy.

It was thanks to the help of our teachers that the activity was a success. Our members were closer to each other after a day of games.

The members were discussing how to play the game.

The members were discussing how to play the game.


They reached their hand into the box to take out the marbles from the horror box.

They reached their hand into the box to take out the marbles from the horror box.


The game is about containing water while humming to the others.

The game is about containing water while humming to the others.


One of the groups played the bonus round to earn more points.

One of the groups played the bonus round to earn more points.


They used their mouth to pass the rubber bands with a straw.

They used their mouth to pass the rubber bands with a straw.


Congratulation to UPDK's members that won in the Day Camp.

Congratulation to UPDK’s members that won in the Day Camp.

Training Camp 1 2016

May 4th, 2016

The first Training Camp of UPDK was held on 2 April 2016 (Saturday) from 8.30a.m. to 11.00a.m.
The activity was held to teach and train the new members so that they knew more about UPDK. The members have received their booklet which is prepared for them. The members learned about their responsibilities as a UPDK member and learned to manage printing and internet coupons, how to scan and print documents, how to use projectors, run APDM and SMM application, how to write essay for achievement and rules of UPDK. Last but not least, the members were taught to edit and produce video.

We would like to appreciate the cooperation of all members and the help of teachers.

smm 1

The members were taught to use SMM application.

smm 3

The members were taught to use APDM, an application online.

smm 4

The members were learning to write essay for achievent.

video 4

The members were taught to use a projector.



在2016年4月2日上午8.30至11由电脑数据处理团所举办的一日学习营,地点是在lab E, lab B, lab D中,我感到很开心有这个荣幸和机会能够来到这里参加这个由电脑数据处理团所举办的学习营。团员们都踊跃参加,并在当天时准时向委员报到。其中有一位和蔼可亲的学姐在我们点完名后,就以很快的速度将我们这群人各分成11组后,并把那天每组的时间表分派给每组其中一个人的手上,并告诉我们尽量在规定的时间内去到所指定的地点。除此之外,各位委员也分派给我们每个团员一本由他们辛苦制作的小手册。过后,每组的团员就开始去到指定的地点进行活动。其中最令我印象深刻的活动是APDM,在那里有一位很细心的学姐以很认真的态度教导我们如何开APDM。APDM是一个输入学生课外活动资料的网站。首先我们必须开后在以指定的用户登陆该网站。登陆后,就可以输入我需要输入的资料了。在这个学习营里我学会了很多东西,所以我感到很开心。-Faline Ng


在2016年4月2日,电脑数据处理团举办了学习营,时间是上午8时30分至11时,地点在Lab E, Lab D 和 Lab B。团员们都踊跃参加,并准时报到。委员点了出席人数后,便分给我们一本手册。这本手册是关于电脑数据处理团的规则,团员的联络方式以及一些小提示。过后,我们就被分成几个小组,轮流到不同的站去学习。学姐们都不厌其烦的讲解着,以确保大家对课程都有一定的了解和把握。其间,如果我们有不明白的地方,她们不会大声责骂,反而会耐心地再解释一遍。在那短短的几个小时里,团员们都学会了许多知识及技巧。其中,我学得最快的是如何使用扫描机。只要将所需扫描的资料放在扫描机上,在电脑上点击扫描就可以了。学会了这些知识后,我就可以在往后的日子将这些事情处理得更加好了。学习营圆满地结束了,多亏老师和学姐们的用心策划,让我获益不浅。-Han Lin


在2016年4月2日,电脑数据处理团举办了学习营,时间是上午8时30分至11时,地点在Lab E, Lab D 和 Lab B。团员们都踊跃参加,并准时报到。委员点了出席人数后,开始分配小组,轮流进行授课活动。学姐们都不厌其烦的讲解课程,还不忘和我们互动,确保大家对课程都有一定的了解和把握。其间,如果我们有不明白的地方,她们不会大声责骂,反而会满脸笑容的再解释一遍。在那短短的几个小时里,团员们都学会了许多知识及技巧。最令我印象深刻的是如何使用复印机,放映机和输入register。使用这些机器并不能嚅盲,一定要跟着步骤和方法。学会了这些知识后,视野旷阔了不少!学习营圆满的结束了,多亏老师和学姐们的用心策划,希望来日还有机会参加类似的学习营。-Hui Shan


在四月二号上午八时半至十一时电脑数据处理团举办了学习营,地点在Lab E, Lab D 和Lab B。团员们都踊跃参与。点名之后,副秘书分给每个人一本小手册。手册里有电脑数据处理团的规则和团员们的联络方式。团员们也被分为几组。之后,会活动就开始了。学姐们很有耐心的教导和解释给我们听。在这个学习营里,我学到了很多关于怎么用电子科技的东西,怎么做一个幻灯片视频和网上输入的东西例如:APDM 。APDM是一个输入学生和他们父母的资料 。首先,要进入APDM 的网址。然后输入老师的用户名也就是他们的身份证号码,在输入密码就可以登入了。这个网站要输入的资料有学生们有几个兄弟姐妹,在什么年份出生,用什么语言沟通,和学生的课外活动和他们被委任的职位等等。这个学习营里我学会了很多东西,我要谢谢老师们和学姐们耐心的指导,让我们获益不浅。-Rachel


2016年4月2日,在这美丽的早晟里,上午8.30至11,电脑数据处理团举办了一日学习营。举办一日学习营是为了让团员们学习更多如何操作lab 里的电器,以及培养团员们之间的感情。我感到非常兴奋有机会参加这有意义的活动。团员们准时报到。委员点出席人数后,分给我们每一个人一本手册。这手册是关于规则,团员的联络号码等。 之后,大家被分为几组,开始了一日学习营的活动。在一日学习营里,学姐们都很有耐心的教导和解释给团员们,以便团员们了解他们的课程。我觉得她们很尽责地教我们。当我们遇到不明白的地方,学姐都会耐心地解释给我们听。在这学习营中,我学会了如何收internet coupon。当有同学要用网络时,我必须要向她们收internet coupon,在coupon上打勾,并写上日期,再放进罐子里。我也要让她们在簿子上填写资料。

学习营圆满的结束了,多亏老师和学姐们的用心策划。我希望我还可以参加类似的学习营。-Sin Jie


在四月二日电脑数据处理团举办一年一度的学习营。学习营总共用了两个小时半,地点位于Lab B ,Lab D 和 Lab E。我们在Lab B听副纪律讲解有关纪律的说明。其次我们在Lab D 学习如何制作影片。接着我们到 Lab E 学习如何打开APDM ,SMM ,  REGISTER ,ACHIEVEMENT 。同时我们也学习如何操作放映机,打印机和扫描机。学姐们都耐心地教导我们,当我们遇到问题时学姐们也不厌烦地重新地讲解一遍。在这个学习营里我学到如何利用APDM来输入学生的个人资料。在进入APDM之前我们必须输入来时的身份证。APDM的用途是打入中一学生的课外活动与被委任的职位。在那过程里学姐一步一步的教导我们以便我们在升级考试中可以顺利通过。我也学习到如何使用Achievement的方法。原来Achievement是用来记录学生在课外活动比赛中获得的项目。学生的名字,班级和学号也是必要的。我们必须把他们的资料输入清楚。-Wan Xin

Gotong Royong 1 2016

February 16th, 2016

The first gotong royong was held on 16 January 2016 (Saturday),  from 8.30am to 11.30am.
All members were required to participate. The objective of this gotong royong is to enhance the relationship between the members and ensure the computer labs are clean.
It was a typical gotong royong. After cleaning, all of the members gathered at lab E. The head of disciplinary briefed with the members about rules of UPDK. After that, the head of website briefed the members about the latest method of keying in achievement of students.
The whole gotong royong ended as we plan at 11 o’ clock.

We appreciated the presence and coorperation of all the teachers and members.

wipe the fan

Our members were wiping the fans of Lab D.

check stock

Our members were checking the number of computer hardware at Lab C during Gotong Royong.

wipe filter

The president and secretary of UPDK were wiping the filters of air conditioner.

sweeping floor

Our members were sweeping the floor of Lab D.


Gotong Royong 2 2015

June 20th, 2015

The second Gotong Royong of UPDK was held on 20th June 2015 (Saturday) from 8.30a.m. to 12.00p.m. Our members cooperated to clean Lab B, C, D and E under the supervision of the teachers of UPDK. The objective of this Gotong Royong was to make sure all the computer labs are as clean as whistle. Our members were grouped into a few groups and carried out the Gotong Royong.

It was a success to dust the computer labs in our school with the help of teachers and our members.

One of the group is in charge of cleaning the server room.

One of the group is in charge of cleaning the server room.


The members worked together to clean Lab C.

The members worked together to clean Lab C.


All the curtains were taken down and the windows were cleaned.

All the curtains were taken down and the windows were cleaned.


The members listened attentively as the teacher speaks.

The members listened attentively as the teacher speaks.

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